


推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Child Life Program has ‘Radiate Kindness’ T-shirts available for purchase now through June 23. 衬衫也有儿童尺码. 如欲订购,请浏览: http://golisano.markproductstore.com/. 问题? 给玛吉·伯恩斯发邮件: (电子邮件保护).



Social Work has created 教育 via Brightspace as a resource for staff who may need to arrange Medicaid transport through the Medical Answering Service (MAS) for their patients. 登录Brightspace搜索MAS或交通工具. 更多信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).




纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的移动乳房x光检查中心将于7月12日上午9点开始提供乳房x光检查.m. 到3点.m. 为提前登记的推荐最近最火的赌博软件社区成员提供的. 纽约州的雇员每年有4小时的癌症筛查时间. 这段时间可以在移动面包车上进行乳腺癌筛查. If you have questions about this benefit, check with your manager for more information. 预约年度乳房x光检查,请致电315-464-2588或访问: http://www.Upstate.edu/mobile-mammography/ 并填写申请表. 问题? 给温迪·亨特发邮件: (电子邮件保护)




推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s 健康科学图书馆 and the CNY 图书馆 Resources Council will hold the second annual Health Literacy Conference June 8 and 9 via Zoom. 注册是免费的,活动对所有人开放. 注册人将收到一份 图形公共卫生:漫画选集和路线图 Meredith Li-Vollmer和一个手提袋. (注:书籍和手提袋不能邮寄到美国大陆以外的地区.S. 但我们仍然欢迎这些个人注册并参加会议。. 如欲注册及索取更多资料,请浏览: http://clrc.org/event/2023-health-literacy-conference. 不需要出席所有的会议. 参与者可以参加任何或所有的产品. 要稍后查看录音,请立即注册. 问题? 给Sarah Lawler发邮件 (电子邮件保护) or (电子邮件保护).




娜塔莎基普里亚努, 博士学位, professor of pathology and molecular and cell-based medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Siani, 将 Phenotypic Reprogramming to Overcome Therapeutic Resistance in Advanced Prostate Cancer June 9 from noon to 1 p.m. 在北州癌症中心一楼的会议室里. R.S.V.P. 想了解更多信息,请发邮件给Leszek Kotula (电子邮件保护).




将为达伦·卡博尼举行告别招待会, 跨专业教育和模拟主任, 6月12日星期一下午4:30开始.m. 到下午6点.m. 在大学模拟中心. R.S.V.P.,发邮件给苏·戴维,地址是 (电子邮件保护).



Access to the entrance to TU3 and TU4 parking lot off Madison Street is subject to changes from June 12 to 16 depending on nearby construction. 如有需要,现场的旗子将引导用户前往备用入口.




雷扎说, MD, 上州移植项目的负责人, 将于6月13日下午6点进行肾移植讲座.m. 在HealthLink (6333 Carrier Parkway, E. 锡拉丘兹大学)或网上. Dr. Saidi will discuss how kidney transplantation can help those with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. 接下来是问答环节. 如需亲自或网上登记出席,请浏览: http://Upstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMsf-yqqD4jG9KL-yKNWrycLSYb-M8dAGSO




Easy for You, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's tobacco treatment program, will be held Tuesday, June 13 from 11:30 a.m. 到下午12:30.m. in the Multidisciplinary Suite (C3068) on the third floor of 北州癌症中心. Those with an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID are welcome to receive help quitting tobacco, chew, and vape. 免费的尼古丁替代疗法是可行的. For more information contact Theresa Hankin or Carolyn Walczyk at 315-464-3519 or (电子邮件保护) 




The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 community is welcome to attend a retirement reception for Steve Harris June 16 from 4:30 到下午6点.m. 在塞诺的中庭. 哈里斯在服务27年后退休. 问题? 给苏·戴维发邮件 (电子邮件保护).




推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Trauma的t恤将于6月20日上午6:30开始发售.m. 到晚上7:30.m. 在上州立大学医院二楼的cafe750咖啡厅外. 衬衫售价20美元,有圆领和v领两种,尺码从S到4XL. 现金、银行卡、Apple/Google Pay均可接受. 不会有任何阻拦.




雪城劳动力赛跑将于6月20日星期二下午6点45分举行.m. 在利物浦的奥内达加湖公园路上. 注册费39元. To join Team 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, review race details, and read eligibility requirements, visit http://www.Upstate.edu/specialevents/syrrun.php. 上州队的报名截止日期是5月26日. 问题? 给丽贝卡·佩西发邮件 (电子邮件保护)




The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Foundation has partnered with The Cool Head Project for Good Neighbor Day during the Syracuse Mets game June 28 at NBT Bank Stadium. 第一球将在下午6:30投出.m. 每张售出的门票中,有4美元将捐赠给酷头脑项目基金. The Cool Head Project can prevent chemotherapy-induced hair loss in cancer patients and is available at 北州癌症中心. 帮助填满体育场并解锁来自Northland Communications的匹配礼物. 欲知详情及购票,请浏览: 锡拉丘兹大都会好邻居日 或发邮件给Eric Stensland (电子邮件保护).



Nellie Hurley奖学金申请截止日期为6月30日

Advocates for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 welcomes eligible 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 employees and volunteers to apply for Nellie Hurley scholarships for fall semester 2023 to be used towards undergraduate degrees in health-related fields. 申请截止日期为6月30日. To learn more about the Nellie Hurley scholarships and eligibility criteria and for the application form, 请到 http://www.Upstate.edu/advocates/grants-scholarships/scholarships.php. 申请人将在7月中旬被通知他们的状态. 问题? 给乔纳森·阿德勒发邮件 (电子邮件保护).




To join all Pathway to Wellness events, use the following link (unless otherwise noted in an entry): http://Upstate.webex.com/meet/brisks.

  • 10分钟,早上10点.m. 是六月九日. Wendy Hunt will offer information on what to expect during a mammography screening, 统计筛选的重要性, 以及如何准备乳房x光检查. 
  • 10分钟幽默是6月12日 早上10点.m. 加入健康之路,享受10分钟的笑声. 
  • 纽约每日网络研讨会将于6月14日举行 从中午到下午12:30.m. 网络研讨会将重点关注如何以积极的习惯开始和结束你的一天. 如欲登记,请浏览: http://meetny.webex.com/weblink/register/r2cdfdff21bc111a40dd2c338a9876c61
  • 心血管健康讨论在6月14日 早上10点.m. 15分钟,10分钟的演讲和5分钟的问答时间. 医学博士罗伯特·卡哈特将介绍如何改善心血管健康. 
  • 6月15日如何制定预算 中午20分钟. 预算是成功的财务计划的基础. 一位来自 www.RethinkingDebt.com 将. 
  • 7分钟移动是6月21日 中午. Join PTW for a gentle step routine easily performed from a seated or standing position. 
  • 信用是6月22日 中午20分钟. 一位来自 www.RethinkingDebt.org 会钻研信用报告和分数吗, 对于想要借钱或购买大宗商品的人来说,哪些是必不可少的. 
  • 星期一步行是6月26日 中午 at 上州社区医院 beginning in the main entrance by the gift shop. 与贝丝·塞勒斯的散步无论晴雨都要举行. 
  • 正念领袖微冥想将于6月27日举行 中午5分钟. 本课程将以简短的冥想为重点. 
  • 6月29日还清债务 中午20分钟. 一位来自 www.RethinkingDebt.org will cover managing debt, which is a crucial skill for anyone looking to achieve financial stability. 




推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Institute for Global Health seeks healthy adult participants age 18 and up to participate in a Pfizer vaccine clinical trial. The study will look at an investigational combined mRNA vaccine against flu and COVID-19.  你可能会得到时间和旅行的补偿. 欲了解更多信息,请致电:315-464-9869或 (电子邮件保护).



推荐最近最火的赌博软件 seeks volunteers for a study evaluating a vaccine for the prevention of CMV infection

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 seeks volunteers for a clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a new Moderna mRNA CMV vaccine in healthy adolescents and adult females 16 to 40 years of age. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) causes asymptomatic infection and mononucleosis-like illness in healthy adults. Congenital CMV occurs in 30 to 35 percent of mothers who acquire primary CMV infection during pregnancy. Maternal infection in the first half of pregnancy is associated with the highest risk for severe manifestations of congenital CMV in the infant. 目前,尚无预防巨细胞病毒感染的疫苗.

上州儿科传染病专家. Joseph Domachowske是这项研究的首席研究员. 所有访问将在医生办公大楼(POB)进行。. The trial involves 14 in-person visits over a period of 30 months with safety phone contacts between visits. Direct exposure to a child 5 years old and under, for at least 8 hours per week is required. 检查包括接种疫苗、抽血和尿检. Participants are required to keep an e-Diary on a smartphone app to track any adverse effects throughout the study; Devices are provided to those who do not have one. Participants will be compensated for scheduled and unscheduled completed visits. 了解更多关于参加临床试验的信息, 联系研究协调员315-802-1105或 (电子邮件保护).




推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Institute for Global Health seeks healthy adult participants age 18 and up to participate in a Pfizer vaccine clinical trial. The study will look at an investigational combined mRNA vaccine against flu and COVID-19.  你可能会得到时间和旅行的补偿. 欲了解更多信息,请致电:315-464-9869或 (电子邮件保护).




15th 年度莫林T. 奥哈拉蒂尔5公里步行/跑步将于7月4日星期二上午8点举行.m. 在马塞勒斯公园. 虚拟活动将于7月1日至4日举行. 所得款项将用于卵巢癌研究, 教育, and awareness—including research at 上州医科大学 and the Maureen T. 奥哈拉·蒂尔:有一个治愈基金, 在上州基金会举行, 哪些机构为卵巢癌患者提供帮助. For information on this year’s in-person and virtual options and to register, visit: http://runsignup.com/To Race/NY/Marcellus/TealTheresACure5K. 更多信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).




Joey’s Wish will host a walk/run July 8 at Onondaga Lake Park’s Saw Mill Creek Shelter, 湖道106号, 利物浦. 9点开始办理登机手续.m. 活动上午10点开始.m. Registration is $30 and includes an addiction awareness pin and two tickets to the Double Days baseball game on July 11. 在6月15日之前注册的参与者将获得一件t恤. 活动将包括现场音乐表演和一辆餐车. 如欲登记,请浏览: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/joeys-wish-inc-1st-annual-5k-run1-mile-walk-tickets-611365961047. 更多信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).




知情的病人 播客最近对乙型肝炎进行了采访, 颌面部假牙修复术, 老年急救医疗: 

知情患者播客 and HealthLink on Air radio show are produced by 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 市场营销 and University Communications. 知情的病人 interviews are available through various podcast platforms, including YouTube. 健康之路空中广播在WRVO公共媒体于上午6时播出.m. 星期天. 播客和广播节目的音频和文本也可以在 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.edu/informed.

To suggest an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 expert or topic for a possible podcast, email Amber Smith at (电子邮件保护).